Wednesday, December 4, 2013

5 Call-To-Action Criteria for Effective B2B Lead Generation

Back when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, call-to-action elements in marketing are pretty much straightforward, just like when you hear something on the TV that says “If you call right now, we’ll slash off 15% from your total purchase, plus you’ll also get a limited-edition mug!”
Although you can still hear those lines today, most of today’s calls-to-action are web-based, and they are usually manifested by buttons and links strategically positioned on a web page. In Business-to-Business (B2B) lead generation, these elements are important to direct prospects into the next levels of the sales process.
But what makes call-to-action buttons and links effective in compelling prospects to dig in deeper and filter those who are truly interested?
  1. The call-to-action must propose high value. Prospects must clearly see what benefit they would have if the clicked on the button/link. And that benefit must be of high value – something they have to go through to be able to get what they need. If they don’t see that value, what are the odds of getting them to take the action?
  2. The call-to-action must be exclusive. Although this is a bit difficult to maintain, exclusivity is something that attracts people to commit. The action must offer them something they won’t find elsewhere. If it’s something others can also give, then make your version easier. They must be able to see something unique in your proposition that they couldn’t let it pass.
  3. The call-to-action must distinguish real leads from casual passersby. Label your call-to-action buttons/links in a way that a semi-interested prospect would not take seriously. While this can definitely lessen the quantity of your leads, at least you could save time by not wasting it on prospects without real business potential.
  4. The call-to-action must be positioned during the “research phase”. Timing plays a huge part in the effectiveness of calls-to-action. That stage of a prospect’s buying process where he or she is still collecting information to help in decision making – that’s where the potential lies. Make sure prospects are guided to the right direction during this critical phase.
  5. The call-to-action must be easy. The likelihood of prospects pushing through until the end of the sales timeline could significantly decrease if you subject them into a difficult and complicated process. It’s a big decision for them, and the least that you can do is make things simpler for them.

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